Sidekicks & Sidequests

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

147 episodes of Sidekicks & Sidequests since the first episode, which aired on February 19th, 2020.

  • Episode 049 - Timothy the Dragonborn Blacksmith

    May 5th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  41 mins 52 secs

    We join the table of Nathan Alcoser, who brings his own character to the table, Timothy. A bearded dragonborn blacksmith, thanks to a chance encounter with Bill the Bounty Hunter, is obsessed with finding a way to cross the multiverse to Texas.

  • Episode 050 - Jack the Sky Elf Farmer

    May 19th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  32 mins 19 secs

    We join the table of Brian Rose. and roll the dice to create Jack, the sky elf farmer. He's an old soul here in the outskirts of a mountain-side town. However, he is constantly having to deal with marauding manticore, and he isn't getting any younger.

  • Episode 051 - Ester Van Missive the Hafling Courier

    June 2nd, 2021  |  Season 2  |  45 mins 35 secs

    We join the table of Kay Laird, who brings their own character to the table, Ester Van Missive. A plucky mail carrier for the local town, she has a threefold problem: an overgrown path, an important message to deliver, and a rivalry with the dreaded Clark. Will you help out?

  • Episode 052 - Huxtable the Deathlock Horse Trainer

    June 16th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  45 mins 24 secs

    We join the table of Karla Romero Hollenbeck and roll the dice to create Huxtable, the deathlock horse trainer. An undead warlock in the service of a local demonic cult, he tends the local lord's horses. But will you investigate the abandoned lodge and stop this cult?

  • Episode 053 - Professor Pandemonium the Lich Ringmaster

    June 30th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  50 mins 28 secs

    We join the table of Ian Shoulders, who brings his own character to the table, Professor Pandemonium. An undead and charismatic wizard hellbent on feeding his carnival with souls for vitality and power, his traveling carnival arrives in town. Will you dare to enter?

  • Episode 054 - Athanasius the Vampiric Bricklayer

    July 14th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  58 mins 25 secs

    We join the table of Harper Hayes and roll the dice to create Athanasius, the bricklayer who became a vampire. A simple man in a simple town, trying to live a simple life, longs to become human once again. A friendly fetch quest might blossom into redemption or retribution.

  • Episode 055 - Wolf the Thri-Kreen Prodigy Artificer

    July 28th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  47 mins 14 secs

    We join the table of Shannon Robichaud and roll the dice to create Wolf, the thri-kreen child prodigy. Gifted from a young age, this child is now a full-fledged professor at the Royal Univeristy at the College of Artificery. But when the dean's pseudodragon goes missing, will you help?

  • Episode 056 - Enna & Aylynn the Wedded Wizards

    August 11th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  1 hr 1 min

    We join the table of Quinn & Alex Schulte and roll the dice to create Enna & Aylynn, a married wizard couple. A sea elf and a human, they live in a quiet town and run the local bookshop and promote literacy. But Cuddles the Cat has run off, will you help find the feline?

  • Episode 057 - Arlie the Hobgoblin Lycanthrope Storyteller

    August 25th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  55 mins 22 secs

    We join the table of Darby Pak and roll the dice to create Arlie, the hobgoblin lycanthrope who is a storyteller. Entrusted with the stories, tales, and oral histories of the loup-garou nomads, an old mentor's rare cookbook has surfaced. Will you go retrieve it and be tempted with transformative rewards?

  • Episode 058 - Quando the Orc Tinkerer

    September 8th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  59 mins 27 secs

    We join the table of Andrew Strother and roll the dice to create Quando, the orc tinkerer. In his former life, he was an artificer, now old, he makes life easier in his sleepy hamlet. But a literal ticking clock is counting down until a hellish portal opens.

  • Episode 059 - Jocelyn, Andeer, and The Friendly Giant Tavern

    September 22nd, 2021  |  Season 2  |  37 mins 45 secs

    We join the table of Stephanie Jones & Andrew Newcomb. Stephanie rolls the dice to create Jocelyn, the firbolg tavernkeeper of "The Friendly Giant". Andrew Newcomb brings his own character to the table, Andeer. Together, they need your help to take down a counterfeiting and black market operation!

  • Episode 060 - Rock, Folio, and Penny Loafers

    October 6th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  46 mins

    We return to the table of Elizabeth & Michael Horsley. My first guests return to the podcast to roll the dice and create an interesting pair of business partners: Elizabeth a deathlock cobbler, Michael a Vedalken minter of coins. They're looking for someone to join their street team and market some brand new, magic penny loafers!