Sidekicks & Sidequests

Building a world, one character at a time.


  1. This is a character that Katie Ruvalcaba is rolling for randomly. She generates her own sidequest.
  2. What is this character’s name? - Arianna.
  3. What is their ancestry (i.e. human, elf, dwarf, halfling, etc)? - Skeleton, was previously human.
  4. What is your job or role (i.e. farmer, hierling/mercenary, shopowner, bandit, etc)? - Archaeologist. She is a servitor of an evil necromancer at this present time, digging and manual labor. The necromancer is having Arianna and all these skeletons digging to try and find 7 rings at their digsite.
  5. How old are you? - Adult.
  6. Describe your physical appearance. - She is still dressed like a bard, gaudy and shiny yet ridiculous, a "Great Value/Walmart brand" version of her former life. She is wearing a helm that has a horsetail out of the top of it, and it is the object that allows the nercromancer to control her.
  7. Describe yourself with 3 adjectives. - Greedy, Needy, and Nasty.
  8. What is a valuable item/piece of lore/secret that this character possesses? Or do they value an ideal/concept or particular person (i.e. family member, guild member, honor, justice, love etc.) - A job well done.
  9. What is a particular quest you would be willing to recruit or hire the player characters to go do? - Through rumors, you hear about this necromancer in the area looking for these 7 rings and that surely the fabled Arianna the Bard, who fell in battle, must be with him. You need defeat the necromancer (and her) to then be able to Resurrect Arianna back to life!
  10. What would be their reward for succeeding? - She will join your party as a Bard hireling/retainer/follower character. She has prestige and credibility, lore, secrets, knowledge, etc. and can help lead you to other sidequests and bits of treasure. Perhaps even to confront her old adventuring party who failed to stop the necromancer who held her.
  11. What would be the consequence of failure or refusing the call? - The necromancer will steal a party member (or any of them that might fall in battle) to have them join his skeleton army!